Retirement Transition Coaching for Individuals
Look back with gratitude, move forward with courage
With the Fresh Beginnings coaching programme you will be supported enabling you to approach this milestone in life with equanimity and resilience; to say goodbye to where you were, to say hello to where you are going and to manage the transition in-between.
The four-session coaching programme starts by looking at the journey you’ve been on so far. You will then explore some key aspects of who you are now, before considering what you want to action to develop a fulfilling life moving forward.
Respect the past
Looking back over your life and career so far you will reflect on successes and achievements. You will take a whole-life perspective to look at your personal story. You will also surface any unfulfilled ambitions that you need to lay to rest, to allow you to move forwards without barriers or regrets.
Embrace the present
So, who are YOU? What are your strengths? What are your values? Where do you get your energy from?
Writing the next chapters
PRISM© Coaching is a framework to consider
- What is my Purpose moving forwards? What do I want to give back? What do I want to learn?
- What Routine do I need to keep me balanced? What does that mean for my days, my weeks and my annual schedules? How will I ensure I stay healthy and fit? How will I have fun? How will I be creative?
- Who am I? What is my Identity when I am no longer who I was doing my day job?
- What Social Community do I need? Where will I find this? Where will I live?
- Money – do I need an income? What paid work might I want to do?