There is a wealth of material and reading available to you when you are thinking about moving to a different pattern or working or considering retirement as an option.
Here are some resources that you may find useful:

Resources about Retirement:
In 2019 Professor Teresa Amabile carried out a significant piece of research for Harvard Business School, on which much of the Fresh Beginnings programme is based. Here are some interesting articles and an interview based on her research.
Why we lie about being retired by Ian Rose
BBC News 20th August 2019
What people wish they had known before retirement
Business Insider September 12th 2019
Here is the interview:
Further background reading for the PRISM model:
Dolan, P. (2015) Happiness by Design: Finding Pleasure and Purpose in Everyday Life London: Penguin
How can we make it easier to be happy? Using the latest cutting-edge research, Professor Paul Dolan reveals that wellbeing isn’t about how we think – it’s about what we do. By making deliberate choices that bring us both pleasure and meaning, we can redesign our lives for maximum happiness – without thinking too hard about it.
10 Life Purpose Tips to Help You Find Your Passion
A blog by Jack Canfield
How your job shapes your identity
So often, what we do drives who we are. Our identity is linked to our daily tasks. In this article the writers consider the psychological requirements and consequences of jobs – what mindsets a job breeds, and what doing the job requires of our inner lives to expand, and crucially to limit us.
How retirement changes your identity by Teresa Amabile
Harvard Business Review January 15th 2019
How the Need to Belong Influences Human Behavior and Motivation
People need social connection to feel accepted and supported – the need to belong is a basic human need. Social relationships support healthy aging, helping to buffer feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Social group memberships in retirement are associated with reduced risk of premature death: evidence from a longitudinal cohort study
Research is beginning to show that people’s social relationships with others is a stronger predictor of longevity than other health behaviours such as physical exercise, smoking or alcohol consumption. People derive a sense of who they are from social groups, providing them with a sense of purpose, meaning and belonging.
How do you know how much money you will need in retirement?
Seek independent financial advice
Resources about Retirement and Life Stages:
Cavendish, C. (2019) Extra Time: 10 Lessons for an Aging World. London: Harper Collins
By 2020, for the first time in history, the number of people aged 65 and over will outnumber children aged five and under. But our systems are lagging behind this new reality. Travelling across the world, Cavendish contests many of the taboos about ageing. Interviewing leading scientists about breakthroughs that could soon transform the quality and extent of life, she sparks a debate about governments, businesses, doctors, the media and each one of us should handle the second half of life. She argues that if we take a more positive approach, we should be able to reap the benefits of a prolonged life, but that this will mean changing our attitudes, and using technology and community to bring about a revolution.
Armstrong, T. (2019) The Human odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life. New York: Dover Publications Inc
The Human Odyssey offers a cross-cultural view of life’s entire journey. For each of the stages, Dr Armstrong considers how we feel in each decade, the pressures and obligations of each age, and the physical and psychological these times of life bring. He outlines a specific gift for each age and suggests ways to explore and support this period for yourself, for friends and family and for the community.
Bolder, C.H. (2018) Bolder: Making the Most of Our Longer Lives. London: Simon & Schuster
Honoré considers the situation of longer lifespans and explores the cultural, medical and technological trends that will help us to make the most of our longer lives. He suggests that we can ignore prejudices and blur the lines of possibility at every age. He looks at how we can learn, work, rest, care for others, volunteer, create and have fun all the way through our lives.
Brooks, A.C. (2022) From Strength to Strength: Finding success, happiness and deep purpose in the second half of life London: Green Tree Publishing
Dychtwald, K and Morison, R (2020) What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & sons, Inc.
Gratton, L. Scott, A.J. (2020) The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity London: Bloomsbury
Jerjian, G. (2022) Dare to Discover Your Purpose: Retire, Refire, Rewire Hasmark Publishing International
Schlossberg, N.K. (2004) Retire Smart Retire Happy Washington: American Psychological Association
Thurman, E. (2019) Thrive in Retirement: Simple Secrets for being Happy for the Rest of Your Life New York: Waterbrook
Ashhurst, L (2009) Talking About Retirement: The Secrets of Successful Retirement Planning London: Kogan Page
Retirement for Couples:
Goulston, M (2001) The 6 Secrets of a Lasting Relationship New York: Perigee
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